The purpose of our co-production programme is to facilitate the voice of everyone in our Trust equally. Co-production is the relationship where those delivering and those receiving a service are empowered to plan and deliver support together, recognising that both partners have vital contributions to improve the quality of care we offer. The Co-production programme will have representatives from health inequality and diversity groups.
Co-production is when people work together, identify/share problems and seek solutions. We know within the Trust we don’t have all the answers and we want to work with the community, service users and staff to tackle inequalities that challenge our services.
This Co-production programme supports NHS England’s long-term plan. The NHS is moving to personalised care, giving people the same choice and control over their mental and physical health. The NHS is moving away from a one size fits all approach that simply does not meet patients and staffs’ needs and expectations.
Who can take part?
This programme is accessible for all and anyone who can bring a constructive approach on the way we can improve services across our hospitals is welcomed. Fundamentally we want to voice the view of everyone; however, this should be in the remit of the project and will often have different levels of contribution.
The expression of interest form will sign you up to be a member of the co-production programme. That includes giving your experience of using either Peterborough, Stamford, or Hinchingbrooke hospitals. It also adds you to our mailing list to receive information to participate further in any co-production projects. Being added to the distribution list and accessing the co-production platform allows you to give feedback and contribute whenever the individual would like.