our maternity services

Our Maternity Services

Preparation for a new baby should be an enjoyable experience. As well as the excitement, there's a lot to think about and plan. This is your pregnancy. We will of course observe your birth choices, keeping it in the forefront of your maternity care. However if any concerns arise during one of your visits this will be discussed with you in-depth so you are able to make an informed choice about your care and an agreed plan can be made.

To provide you with the quality service you deserve, and to help us involve you in the decisions around your care, we will encourage you to tell staff about your needs and expectations so that your pregnancy, delivery and postnatal care can be planned according to your wishes as much as possible.

If you book for your maternity care with us, your care will be provided by a midwife in collaboration with a consultant obstetrician, if this is indicated based on your individual needs and choices.

When you initially book for your pregnancy care with us, and throughout your pregnancy journey when you meet with us, we will review your personalised care plan with you and assess any factors which may indicate we need to offer you different options for your pathway of care. Everyone will be offered care provided by a midwife, and in addition, when indicated based on your individual circumstances, additional aspects of care in collaboration with a member of the wider multi-disciplinary team such as an obstetrician (a doctor who specialises in more complex pregnancies and births). Anaesthetist (a doctor who specialises in particular forms of anaesthetic pain management for pregnancy and birth), neonatologist (a doctor who specialises in care of the new born baby, including premature new-borns). 

There may be some occasions where women are diverted to alternative maternity units due the unit being extremely busy. This possibility is discussed with parents as part of their antenatal care, so they could look at alternative journeys to local units, if they so desired.  We work closely with our neighbouring maternity units to ensure women are transferred safely, including by risk assessing all patients first. We do try to avoid this where possible but please be rest assured that you will be fully involved in any decision around your care.