We understand how important it is to our patients to be supported by their loved ones whilst in our care. We are committed to ensuring that visiting is enabled wherever possible in our hospitals.
This section provides details of our visiting guidelines and specific requirements in place to ensure the safety and well-being of our patients and visitors. We are committed to maintaining a welcoming environment while prioritising the health of all individuals within our care.
If you have any questions or concerns, or need further assistance please visit our Contact Page to identify who you need to speak to and how to contact them. Our team of dedicated staff and volunteers are also always available to help, so please also feel free to speak with them.
Our hospital site pages also have helpful information about getting to our hospital sites, parking, places to eat, drink and shop, and information and visiting times for specific wards:
We also have a dedicated patient information for page for People with disabilities, and a page with Information for carers.
If somebody you know has been been referred to hospital for an operation or test and needs to stay overnight, they are being treated as an inpatient. Please see the guidelines below for visiting inpatients.
All Adult inpatient wards expect for those listed below, have visiting times between 11am-8pm. This includes during mealtimes, where possible, to ensure supported mealtimes.
Two visitors are permitted (at a time) for end of life patients with no time limit. Other visiting is permitted - please speak to the Ward Manager for advice.
Please see the Palliative Care page for more information.
Visiting children on Amazon and Holly Ward
Please see the Children's Services page for more information
Clinical Observation Decision Unit (CODU) and Acute Assessment Unit (AAU) Hinchingbrooke Medical Assessment Unit (MAU) and Medical Short Stay Unit (MSSU)- Peterborough
For more information about our emergency departments, please visit Urgent and Emergency Care.
Labour Ward and Birth Centre
Maternity Wards
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) and Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)
Please visit Our Maternity Services pages to find specific maternity visiting information.
If a patient has an appointment in a hospital or clinic but is not staying with us overnight, they are being treated as an outpatient or a day patient.
Antenatal Day Services and Maternity Clinic/Community Appointments
You can be accompanied by one person to support you, should you need a further support person to be with you, please contact your community midwife to organise an individualised plan
Daisy Ward— Hinchingbrooke
For more information, please visit our Outpatients - Patient Information page.