Stamford and Rutland Hospital

Our hospital at Stamford has 22 inpatient beds on the John van Geest ward for step down care. There are multiple services delivered at Stamford, including a range of outpatient clinics (for all clinical specialities), a minor injuries unit, diagnostic imaging suite, including MRI scanner, specialist lymphoedema and chemotherapy suites, a phlebotomy suite, therapy services and a day surgical unit delivering local anaesthetic treatments to day patients.  

We strive to deliver exceptional care and experience to our patients in our local community and beyond. All feedback is helpful and allows us to improve in areas we are lacking, and to congratulate our staff on a job well done.  

Please complete our Friends and Family Feedback Tests, which are specific to each department (boxes to deliver them are in the waiting areas or use the QR code posted on the box) or write a Message to Matron, who will be delighted to hear about your experience in our hospital.  

PLEASE NOTE: The hospital entrance opens at 0800hrs and closes at 1730hrs Monday to Friday (excluding bank holidays) but different departments each have their own specific opening times. 

However, the Minor Injuries Unit opens at 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Closed Saturday and Sundays and Bank Holidays.

Getting to Stamford and Rutland Hospital

By Car

Stamford Hospital is situated in the town centre, which is easily accessible off the A1 and via all local routes. Follow signs to the hospital from the town centre.   

There are a limited number of car parking spaces available.

Car parking is currently free of charge. There is one car park, with limited spaces at the Ryhall Road entrance for patients and visitors. 

The Trust is committed to encouraging sustainable travel. If you are planning to visit us, please consider how you travel to our sites.

By Public Transport

There are a number of buses that travel to and from Stamford and Stamford Hospital through the surrounding towns and villages. Details of these routes can be found on the Lincolnshire County Council website under the Stamford area guide.

The Delaine buses 201 and 202 stop on Ryhall Road, outside of the Hospital.

The train station is an eight minute walk from the bus station (St. Peter's Hill). From here you will be able to get the Stamford Hopper, which stops outside Stamford Hospital. Details of these routes can be found on the Lincolnshire County Council website under the Stamford area guide.

Places to Eat, Drink and Shop

Places to Eat, Drink and Shop

Friary Cafe

The Cafe offers a variety of hot snacks (like soup, jacket potatoes, bacon/sausage baps and paninis), cold snacks (like sandwiches, sausage rolls and cakes) and hot and cold drinks

  • Opening hours:
    • Monday to Thursday from 8.45am - 4.15pm 
    • Friday from 8.45am - 3pm

Second-hand book stall (within the Friary Cafe)

We have a selection of fiction and non-fiction books for sale - all proceeds go to the Friends of Stamford Hospital.

Services at Stamford and Rutland Hospital

The main hospital number is 01733 678000. You can find out about the services on offer at our Hospital below: 

Greenwood Day Treatment Unit

Open 8am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday.

We want to hear from you about your experience to submit your feedback please click here.

Access to the unit is via the Outpatients entrance on Ryhall Road. We are situated some distance from the main entrance and some patients may find this a challenge. Wheelchairs are available in the foyer for you to use. If you need assistance, please tell one of the receptionists at the main reception desk.  

Greenwood is a Day Treatment Unit which treats more than 5,000 patients each year. We specialise in: 

  • Chronic Pain Management        
  • Urology    
  • Plastic Surgery    
  • Dermatology    
  • Orthopaedics  

John Van Geest Unit

Area of specialty: Medicine for the Elderly    
Location:  we are at the back of the hospital so please use the Uffington Road entrance. 

Ward Telephone: 01733 678345

Visiting times: 2-4pm and 6-8pm

We want to hear from you about your experience to submit your feedback please click here.

Minor Injuries Unit

We are open 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday. Closed Saturday and Sundays and Bank Holidays.

We want to hear from you about your experience, to submit your feedback please click here for adults or here for minors.

Location: Please book in at main reception. Patients will be seen initially by a triage nurse, asked to wait in the waiting room and then called to see the Emergency Practitioner. Sometimes you will not be seen in the order you arrived as there may be a patient with a more serious or pressing need.  

The clinicians will only see patients with MINOR INJURIES. Any long-term injuries, general illnesses and serious injuries or illness will not be dealt with.  

You should seek advice from an appropriate service such as 111, GP, Pharmacist, Urgent Treatment Centre (Corby or Spalding) or the Emergency Department at Peterborough City Hospital for serious emergency cases. Our triage nurse may re-direct you if your condition is not suitable for the clinicians to see you. Please be respectful to our staff in these circumstances. 

Phlebotomy (Blood Tests)

The Phlebotomy Service is available Monday - Friday, 8.30am - 4.30pm, (children 10 years or older and all adults). Patients referred by Stamford Hospital Outpatient clinics will also be accommodated up to 5pm.

We want to hear from you about your experience to submit your feedback please click here.

Location:  Clinic A (the building to the left of the main entrance). Patients should take a ticket when arriving at the waiting area and what to be called by their phlebotomist. Patients MUST have their blood forms with them as the team is unable, under any circumstances, to print them. The forms are available from the patient’s clinician to bring in or print from home. Patients referred by the outpatient clinics on that day can be seen up till 1700hrs.  

Samples (such as urine) can be dropped off at any time between 0830 and 1700. 

At busy times, towards the end of the day, the team may ask you to return another day, or restrict anyone from joining the queue. This is because all bloods taken are collected at 1700hrs, so if the staff see you after this time, your blood sample will not be taken and will be wasted. Please be respectful to our staff in these circumstances.  

Therapy/Rehabilitation Services

Our Therapy and Rehabilitation Services is open: 08:30-16:30.

Location: Visitors should book in at main reception and then wait in the designated waiting area next to the X-ray department waiting room where they will be collected by a therapist. 

We want to hear about your experiance, to submit your feedback please click here.

Diagnostic Imaging

Our Diagnostic Imaging Service is open 08:00-17:00 and offers X-ray, MRI and Ultrasound.

Location: From the main entrance, follow the signpost down the corridor to the department, then check in at the diagnostic imaging reception desk.  

Our facilities on site:

There are multiple accessible and same sex toilet facilities, along with baby changing rooms throughout the site. If these areas are substandard please inform a member of staff immediately.  

The Friary Coffee Shop, run by our contract partners Mitie, is open 0900 – 1530 and serves a range of refreshments, hot and cold food, and there are also snacks and drinks machines available. There is plenty of seating, a children play area and ‘book corner’ where you can peruse and purchase books sold by our local fundraisers the Friends of Stamford Hospital. These can be purchased through reception.  

In our waiting rooms, you will find televisions and / or a radio to keep you entertained. These are also used to help maintain privacy and confidentiality during consultations as some of the clinical areas are very close to the waiting rooms. There is also and interactive play table for children. It resides in the paediatric waiting area but can be moved, and used by children waiting in other areas such as Minor Injuries.  

Please note the site is a non-smoking site and anyone smoking will be asked to move away from the premises.  

Your Personal Information:

It is your responsibility to let us know if your details have changed in any way, such as home address, telephone numbers, next of kin and your GP’s details. Not updating us could result in a delay of your treatment. You can update these at reception when you book in, or visit 

We thank you for keeping us up to date.  

Redeveloping our Hospital

The hospital is undergoing some major transformation currently.  

Parts of the site that have been unused for a long time, are being sold off (as per the requirements stipulated by the government) and planning is underway to deliver more services on the current footprint and rebuild parts of the hospital, to enhance further, what Stamford can provide for the local and surrounding areas.  

This is an exciting project, bringing Stamford to the fore in supporting the acute sites, to deliver exceptional care to all.  

The nurses’ accommodation block has been demolished, along with the meeting hall and social club, and a new ‘Education Centre’ has been erected near to the main site entrance.  

This will support staff, management and the board to hold meetings and training on site, further developing the hospital’s ability to provide evidenced-based, clinical sound care to our patients and reduce the need for travel by holding virtual meetings on a larger scale.  

The staff at the hospital undertook a project in 2022 to transform the courtyard (next to outpatients and minor injuries) in to a beautiful and tranquil wellbeing garden for staff to use, and patients to look at.  

It was all done in their spare time, along with their families and local groups.  

It is a truly special place which will support our staff for years to come.  


Day Treatment Unit 

Meanwhile work is now well underway on the exciting new state-of-the-art Day Treatment Unit, which is being built on the site of the former nurse’s accommodation block adjacent to the main hospital building. 

DTU October 2024

As well as progress with the exterior of the building, the interior is now being portioned off into individual areas – with many of the patient bays, staff areas and procedure rooms taking shape.

DTU team

Planning permission was granted earlier this year, and it is hoped that the Day Treatment Unit could be treating the first patients as early as 2025.

These exciting proposals will enhance patient care for the local community - providing day case procedures in three specially equipped rooms, three standard-sized cabin-style changing rooms with ensuite facilities, plus six recovery bays. 

DTU front



More updates to follow ...