In April 2018, we set out our vision for the newly formed North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust. Our vision of ‘working together to provide outstanding care for our local communities’ is rooted in a set of trust values – to put patients first, be caring and compassionate, work positively together, be actively respectful and seek to always improve and develop.
We delivered our vision through our Clinical Strategy supported by various enabling strategies. We are incredibly proud of what we have achieved since the creation of the new trust and of the numerous significant programmes our staff have led and delivered to strengthen and improve our services.
Our 2022 strategy now builds on our journey so far and what we need to do next in the context of the national policy changes, the NHS Long Term Plan and challenges of recovering from the pandemic. Our strategy has therefore been developed through review of the Clinical Strategy, analysis of a range of data relevant to our organisation, output of workshops and discussions, consideration of the needs and views of our staff, patients and partners as well as that of local and national developments in health and care.
We have built further on our strategic goals to bring to the forefront the role we play not only as the major provider of acute healthcare but also as one of the leaders in the local health and care system and our role as one of the biggest employer and provider of services in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough.
We will deliver our strategy through our incredible staff supported through the right infrastructure and estates, but we cannot underestimate, the toll of the pandemic on our workforce. Through each of our strategic goals we aim to build an organisation that supports our staff whilst improving care for our patients.
This strategy is not intended to cover every aspect of the important work we do. Our strategy is about the changes we need and expect to deliver in order to achieve our carefully selected strategic goals and ultimately how we will turn our vision of ‘working together to provide outstanding care for our local communities’ into reality.
We look forward to working together to deliver the next chapter.
Our strategy and values will drive everything we do for the next three years from the development of annual plans through to an assessment of service investment proposals and policy development. We will monitor progress against our objectives at Board level and publicly report annually on how we have delivered on our objectives.
Delivery of our strategic goals will be achieved through:
Everything we do in the Trust will be aligned to the Trust vision and strategic goals, for example Board papers and investment proposals will consider how any change will support their delivery.
The Board will review the strategy each year, including progress to date, and making any minor changes to reflect the changing landscape.