Digital, Data and Technology Strategy

The strategy lays out how the Trust will become a data-driven organisation providing smart digital care to all our patients. Pending approval, the Trust is committed to the core objectives laid out in the strategy:

  • Streamlining IT operations, building on industry best practice and our own capabilities.
  • Moving to a user-centred design model, including increased collaboration with patient groups and staff.
  • Adapting procurement and investment strategies in response to opportunities to collaborate with ICS partners.
  • Supporting reduced carbon emissions through remote care provision, increased home working, and exploring digital innovations to better monitor and predict our emissions footprint.
  • Improve core IT infrastructure to strengthen current services and provide foundation for new opportunities.
  • Produce a Cyber Security Plan to ensure future digital decision-making takes cyber security into account.
  • Develop a Systems Integration Plan to ensure patient care and information flow between different systems is smooth and efficient.
  • Redevelop Hinchingbrooke Hospital as a Smart hospital, taking into account existing and emerging digital opportunities.
  • Introduce a Patient Held Record, communication platforms, and remote monitoring tools to empower patients in their own healthcare.
  • Upskill our staff through new training resources, drop-in IT clinics, and new apprenticeship roles in AI and Data Analytics.