Cancer Services

Welcome to Cancer Services

The Cancer Services at North West Anglia Foundation Trust treats a number of different conditions, including blood disorders and blood cancers, cancers of the breast, cancer of the upper-gastrointestinal tract, skin cancer, lung cancer, and gynaecological and colorectal (bowel) and renal (kidney bladder) cancers.

Our service aims to support patients and their loved ones. The Cancer Wellbeing Service, has a friendly team that supports anyone affected by cancer. Opened in 2016 with funding from Macmillan Cancer Support, the service has advice groups, wellbeing advisors, occupational therapists, and Macmillan leaflets that cover almost any subject related to cancer. In 2022 alone, the Robert Horrell provided support on over 7,600 occasions.  

North West Anglia also has a Personalised Care Team, made up of 4 Macmillan Cancer Support workers who provide Holistic Needs Assessments to tailor support to the individual.

The Palliative Care Team covers both sites and the wider community, providing treatment and support to any patient with an advanced and progressive illness with palliative needs.

Please find out more about these teams below!