You can change or cancel your appointment online, via email or via text if your specialty is already using DrDoctor. Please find the details below:
You will now receive a text message to notify you of changes to your outpatient appointment, reminding you of your upcoming appointment or informing you if your appointment has been cancelled. The text will be delivered from a +447860039092 mobile number, stating it is from North West Anglia NHS Trust.
Text messages will include a link (drdoctor.thirdparty.nhs.uk/nwangliaft) to a secure patient portal, where you can manage and see information about your appointment. This can be accessed via smartphone, tablet or desktop PC. You can also sign up for email reminders rather than text reminders.
You'll be able to change or cancel appointments by simply replying CHANGE or CANCEL to a text message you recieve from the number above. Alternatively, these changes can be made on the online portal, as detailed below.
If you are not receiving text message reminders, please ensure we have your correct mobile number, full name, date of birth and postcode on file. Please contact nwangliaft.telepatients@nhs.net to update your details.
In some specialties, you may be able to cancel/change your appointment via our online portal. To do this:
If it is close to your appointment, or you need transport or a translator you will need to contact the booking team to change your appointment. Please contact the Outpatients Referral Line on 01733 673555 and select from the options provided.
If you are receiving notifications via email, there will be a message at the bottom saying 'change appointment' with a button to click.
Click this button and you'll be taken to the patient portal where you can reschedule or cancel your appointment.
We can also now send patients a text message when they have a new digital letter to view online! Patients can follow the online portal link and login (as above) to view and download their PDF letter.
This is an optional service, patients who prefer paper letters can still receive their letters by post as usual. For patients who wish to have a paper copy of their digital letter for a specific appointment can:
Since the Trust has collaborated with DrDocter the Trust has saved around £33,046 and avoided 4,551,780 grams of CO2 so far which is the equivalent to planting 207 trees.
For further information, take a look at our most frequently asked questions: Digital Letters FAQs.
If your specialty does not yet use DrDoctor, you can email or phone us using the contact information in the appropriate section below, depending on which specialty your appointment relates to. Your email will be responded to within 48hours.
To cancel or change any other appointment, or if you have enquires about an Outpatient appointment, please contact the Outpatients Contact Centre on 01733 673555 and select from the options provided. To update your patient information please email us on: nwangliaft.pchcontactcentre@nhs.net
Please consider whether you can use DrDoctor to cancel or change your appointment first.
To cancel or change any other appointment, or if you have enquires about an Outpatient appointment, please contact the Outpatients Contact Centre on 01733 673555 and select from the options provided.
Please note lunchtimes and Mondays are our busiest periods.
Alternatively, you may email us using the email contact in the table below depending on which specialty your appointment relates to. Emails will be responded to within 48hours.
Team | Speciality | Email Contact | |
Head/Skin/Neck |
Oral Surgery |
nwangliaft.headneckskiopbkingtm@nhs.net | |
Womens/Child & Support services |
Gynaecology Physiotherapy Obstetrics Paediatrics Therapy's Genetics Nutrition and Dietetics Chemical Pathology Breast |
nwangliaft.familyandsupportopbkingteam@nhs.net | |
Medicine |
Respiratory |
nwangliaft.medicineopbkingteam@nhs.net | |
General Surgery & Orthopaedic |
Urology |
nwangliaft.generalopbookingteam@nhs.net |
Type of scan | Number |
MRI | Option 1 |
GP/Nuclear Med/Urodynamics/Fluoroscopy/Dexa | Option 2 |
CT | Option 3 |
Ultrasound | Option 4 |
Please consider whether you can use DrDoctor to cancel or change your appointment first.
To cancel or change any other appointment, or if you have enquires about an Outpatient appointment at Hinchingbrooke Hospital, please call the Outpatients Referral Line or the appropriate service number from below. Please note midday and Mondays are our busiest periods.