Endoscopy is a type of medical examination in which is conducted by passing an instrument called an endoscope into an area of the body (for example, the bladder or intestine). Endoscopes usually have fiberoptic cameras, which allows a magnified image to be projected onto a video screen, to be viewed by the operator.
From April 2024 - Patients who attend the Endoscopy Department and meet certain criteria, will be offered 'same day CT' by the Endoscopy Department. This will involve patients being given the option of going on to have a CT appointment on the same day as their Endoscopy and will give patients more options and greater choice for their on-going care at the Trust, which will reduce waiting times.
Endoscopy services are offered at both Hinchingbrooke and Peterborough City Hospitals as part of the North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust.
The Endoscopy Unit is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Saturday, and treats outpatients and inpatients. The service undertakes approximately 10,000 procedures a year. We are JAG (Joint Advisory Group) accredited and part of the National Bowel Cancer Screening Programme. JAG Accreditation enables the Endoscopy Unit to assess current performance, and it supports planning and developing of services.
The British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG), British Thoracic Society (BTS), and Trust protocols and local guidelines provide detailed guidelines that are followed closely to ensure the highest quality service.
The Endoscopy Unit is situated on the first floor, in Core A, at Peterborough City Hospital. It is part of the Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Endoscopy Services Clinical Business Unit in the Emergency and Medicine Division.
The Unit offers a range of both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including:
We also perform non-endoscopy procedures such as Hydrogen Breath Test, Oesophageal Manometry/ 24 hour pH Studies, Lactose Tolerance Tests, Ano-Rectal Physiology (ARP) and Trans Rectal Ultra Sound (TRUS).
At Hinchingbrooke we offer a wide range of both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures including: