The North West Anglia Hospitals' Charity aims to support the work of our staff to ensure we are providing outstanding care to our local population. Our staff are working tirelessly to care for our communities and the hospitals' charity aims to show them how much they mean to the Trust by just saying a little thank you, supporting them with additional training opportunities, health and wellbeing support as well as a little treat from time to time.
You can make a donation that will give our staff a boost, support patient care or make our spaces more welcoming and comfortable for everyone.
Whether you're a member of staff or a member of the public, a community group or a company - we're grateful to you for fundraising for us! Our charity team are always on hand to discuss your ideas and offer advice on how to make the most of your fundraising activity.
You can create an online fundraising profile.
You may wish to fundraise in memory of a loved one, you can create an in-memory page. Please contact the hospitals' charity by email if you would like any assistance in setting up this page.
The North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust Charitable Fund is a Registered Charity No. 1050601
We are extremely grateful for your support. There are a number of ways you can donate towards our charity, you can learn more about them below:
Take your cash or cheque in person to:
Send by post to:
Please make cheques payable to - NWANGLIAFT CHARITY
We are also happy to accept donations made by credit/debit card or bank transfer. Please contact the hospitals' charity by email who will be happy to explain the process.
You can choose to donate by text. Administered by the National Funding Scheme and operating as DONATE, people can donate by texting the following numbers:
Full details of the text service are available at www.easydonate.org
Information on how you can make other types of donation is available on the following pages.
Thank you for your support – all donations made will be used to support your local hospitals.
We are very grateful for all companies and community groups who have, and who continue to support us.
If you would like to discuss a donation or an on-going partnership, please contact our Charity Project Manager by emailing Philip.Fearn@nhs.net
Please don’t forget our hospitals when you are making your Will. Please contact the hospitals' charity by email for guidance and advice with wording.
Remember! You can boost your donation by apllying for Gift AId. As a charity we will able to cliam an extra 25p for evey £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed by the charity from the tax you pay for the current tax year. For information on how to apply please contact the hospitals' charity by email, the team will be happy to explain the process.