This Sunday (19 November 2023) is International Men’s Day, a global awareness day which celebrates the positive value men bring to society, encouraging open discussions about men’s experiences and the unique challenges they may face.
The day also provides an opportunity to raise awareness about men’s health – both physical and mental. There is a culture of ‘manning up’ that is still prevalent in society today, and many men feel that there is an expectation for them not to be open about their emotions and how they are feeling. This can mean that some men can be reluctant to seek help when they need it. With suicide the biggest cause of death in men under the age of 50, it is vital that this culture changes.
At Team North West Anglia we have lots of incredible men who work in a wide variety of different roles, and for International Men's Day we have put the spotlight on just a handful of them, who have shared some insight into their journeys in the NHS and their views on the importance of health and wellbeing. You can hear from them below:
Chief Finance Officer
Safeguarding Practitioner
Lead Resuscitation Officer
Digital Communications Officer