Pharmacy Technician Day 2024

On October 15 it is Pharmacy Technician Day, and we will be celebrating the vital contribution made by Team North West Anglia's incredible Pharmacy Technicians. 

Pharmacy Technician Day recognises the invaluable contributions made by pharmacy technicians to patient health, safety and as an integral part of the healthcare team. It's also a day for pharmacy technicians to reflect on their careers and realise the impact they've had on patients and fellow pharmacy professionals. Our Pharmacy Technicians support the Trust by: 

Pharmacy technicians are responsible for preparing, supplying and administering medicines. They are key members of the pharmacy and multidisciplinary teams and play a vital role in helping patients get the best outcome from their medicines. The role involves liaising with patients, other   healthcare professionals and customers to ensure the effective and safe use of medicines.

Pharmacy technicians work under the supervision of a pharmacist and are registered healthcare professionals that are responsible and accountable for their own accurate and safe practice.

Key responsibilities

  • providing safe and effective pharmacy services
  • supplying medicines and medical devices to patients, whether on prescription or over the counter and providing information on symptoms and products
  • achieving the best outcomes through a patient’s medicines
  • assembling and accuracy checking medicines for prescriptions
  • providing information to patients, carers and other members of the healthcare team
  • managing areas of medicines supply such as dispensaries
  • supervising other pharmacy staff
  • responding to patients’ and customers’ questions both face to face and over the phone
  • pre-packing, assembling and labelling medicines
  • referring problems or queries to the pharmacist

We are extremely proud of our pharmacy technicians and so thankful for their hard work. You can meet some of our pharmacy technicians below and learn more about their role at the Trust: 

  1. Justyna

    Advanced Pharmacy Technician — Dispensary

  2. Subarna

    Pharmacy Technician Higher Level Medicines Management

Total results: 2